
When you encounter abnormal program behavior, please check the following:
  1. The app is in Applications and not in Downloads via Finder
  2. The app is updated to the latest version
  3. The file formats in your notebooks are .one and .onetoc2
  4. There are no synchronization errors.

Check version

If the application does not open, you can click on its icon in Finder > Get Info > Version.

File Formats

.out and .outdoc are old formats that can now be converted to .one and .onetoc2 within the app (click on notebook > Properties > Convert to OneNote Format). You will need to create a new folder for the notebook and then replace the old notebook with the new one in the app. Or you can just move the .out section to a notebook with the .one files in it.

If your question is of another kind, please contact our support team indicating:
  • operating system and model of your device
  • version of Outline
  • sync provider you are using for notebook storage/sync
  • a screenshot or screencast of the problem
  • crash report if you have one (just paste it in the email)
  • the more detailed you describe the situation, the faster and better our team will be able to help you to solve it!
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