How to import Circus Ponies notebooks to Outline

Note: This feature is retired and won’t be supported in the newest versions of Outline. You can still get your notes from Circus Ponies in the old versions of the app.

To import your Circus Ponies notebooks use the Outline's UI import window:   

1. Open your notebook in Circus Ponies app > File > Export as a Website > To Disk

2. Don't forget to create a new folder for your files when exporting the notebook 

3. In Outline go to File > Import > 'Circus Ponies’ Notebook

4. Select your exported as a Website CP notebook in Import from

5. In Import choose a local folder to store your notebook in Outline format

6. Run the import

Note: Your imported notebook appears in Outline with the sections list collapsed. To reveal the sections, click the cover of the imported notebook.
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