Boost Your Productivity: Essential Shortcuts in Outline for Streamlined Note-Taking

Welcome to a world of productivity and efficiency!

In this article, we unveil the power of shortcuts in Outline, a note-taking app designed to elevate your organization game and simplify your workflow. Whether you're a seasoned user or new to the Outline community, these essential shortcuts will unlock a whole new level of note-taking magic.

Get to know all the keyboard shortcuts in Outline to save time, simplify note-taking, and take full control of your digital workspace below 👇



Open notebook ⌘ + O
Create new section ⌘ + T
Open previous section ⌘ + OPTION + LEFT ARROW
Open next section ⌘ + OPTION + RIGHT ARROW
Create new page ⌘ + N
Open previous page CTRL + <
Open next page CTRL + >
Print page ⌘ + P

Sync current notebook ⇧ + F9
Sync all notebooks F9
Undo last action ⌘ + Z
Redo last action ⌘ + ⇧ + Z
Add a link ⌘ + K
Select all  ⌘ + A
Cut selected text or item ⌘ + X
Copy selected text or item ⌘ + C
Paste selected text or item ⌘ + V
Add today's date ⌘ + D
Open Settings ⌘ + COMMA (,)
Lock all password-protected sections ⌘ + OPTION + L

Move to the beginning of the line HOME
Move to the end of the line END
Move one character to the left LEFT ARROW
Move one character to the right RIGHT ARROW
Move to the beginning of previous word/Add column to the left (in a Table) OPTION + LEFT ARROW
Move to the end of next word/Add column to the right (in a Table) OPTION + RIGHT ARROW

Apply/remove bold ⌘ + B
Apply/remove italics ⌘ + I
Apply/remove underline ⌘ + U
Highlight selected text ⌘ + ⇧ + H
Apply/remove bullets from list ⌘ + .
Apply/remove numbers from list ⌘ + /
Apply Heading 1 style ⌘ + OPTION + 1
Apply Heading 2 style ⌘ + OPTION + 2
Apply Heading 3 style ⌘ + OPTION + 3
Apply Heading 4 style ⌘ + OPTION + 4
Apply Heading 5 style ⌘ + OPTION + 5
Apply Heading 6 style ⌘ + OPTION + 6

Align left ⌘ + L
Align right ⌘ + R
Apply, mark, or clear To-do tag ⌘ + 1
Apply or clear Star tag ⌘ + 2
Apply or clear Question tag ⌘ + 3
Apply or clear Message tag ⌘ + 4

Increase indentation level TAB
Decrease indentation level ⇧ + TAB
Scroll up PAGE UP
Scroll down PAGE DOWN
Save changes ⌘ + S

Focus on search field ⌘ + F
Next search result DOWN ARROW
Go to selected search result and dismiss search ENTER
Dismiss search and return to page ESC

Add column to the right ⌘ + CTRL + R
Add column on the left ⌘ + CTRL + L
Add row to the above OPTION + UP ARROW
Add row to the below OPTION + DOWN ARROW
Add row to the below ⌘ + ENTER

Move the insertion point to the beginning of the document ⌘ + UP ARROW
Move the insertion point to the end of the document ⌘ + DOWN ARROW
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the current line ⌘ + LEFT ARROW
Move the insertion point to the end of the current line ⌘ + RIGHT ARROW

Select previous word ⇧ + OPTION + LEFT ARROW
Select next word ⇧ + OPTION + RIGHT ARROW
Select text between the insertion point and the beginning of the current line ⇧ + ⌘ + LEFT ARROW
Select text between the insertion point and the end of the current line ⇧ + ⌘ + RIGHT ARROW

Extend text selection to the nearest character at the same horizontal location on the line above ⇧ + UP ARROW
Extend text selection to the nearest character at the same horizontal location on the line below ⇧ + DOWN ARROW
Extend text selection to the beginning of the current paragraph, then to the beginning of the following paragraph, if pressed again OPTION + ⇧ + UP ARROW
Extend text selection to the end of the current paragraph, then to the end of the following paragraph, if pressed again OPTION + ⇧ + DOWN ARROW

Delete text between the insertion point and the end of the line or paragraph CTRL + K
Delete word backward OPTION + Backspace
Delete word forward Fn + OPTION + Backspace
Delete one character forward CTRL + B
Delete one character forward CTRL + Backspace
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